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About Samapharm / Respecting life and human dignity is SAMA’s cmmitment for the future.

About SAMA

  • KGMP factory movie : State-of-the art clean area EU Standard KGMP factory to introduce

Social responsiblity

HOME About SAMA Social responsiblity


Respecting life and human dignity to improve quality of life.

Through our continuous innovation, SAMA is committed to bring a better life for patients.

SAMA Academic Award

As a leading and responsible pharmaceutical company, SAMA has been supporting studies and treatment development to cure children's[pediatric]diseases. SAMA Academic Award, established in 2001, is an annual award to recognize outstanding achievements in pediatric disease study and treatment development.

Caring to help Others

As a member of society, SAMA has provided financial supports for child-headed family every year.

Medicines Sharing Project

As a respected pharmaceutical company, SAMA has worked to improve the access to medicines by partcipating to the Gyeonggi-do Medicines Sharing Project,the Phambank. The project is designed to provide SAMA medicines free-of-charge to the underprivileged in Gyeonggi-do area.

Overseas donations of medicines

Starting with providing aid to earthquake victimes in indonesia in June 2006. SAMA has been actively engaged in various relief activities around the world.